Wednesday 5 February 2014

My Friend Luke by Fernando Sorrentino

     What I like about this story is how the writer gives us the other side of human that have bad and good character at the same time. This story remains me of Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hide.

     The good thing about Luke is in order not to inconvenience anyone, he always walks sideways. Instead of saying ‘excuse me’ he prefers to glide by one side. He speaks with a very thin and subtle voice. He has never interrupting him. Luke working at a company that imports cloth. His salary is ludicrously low, but he still stays behind in the office every day and works for another three or four hours.

     There is one remarkable aspect to Luke, his behavior as soon as he steps on a bus. Generally, this is what happens: Firstly, he requests a ticket and begins to look his money, slowly. Secondly, he holds up one hand to ensure that the driver keeps waiting, unsure what to do. Thirdly, he pays with the largest possible number of small coins, which he delivers a few at the time. For some reason, Luke including his payment an old Paraguayan coin. Finally, the driver chooses to throw out the coins. Actually there is more about Luke that completely annoying that I could not describe about it.

     But at the same time, I feel sorry for Luke because his wife is a nervous woman who as well as having an unbearably shrill voice and the personality of a lion tamer. His wife and his son, Juan Manuel has always agreed that Luke has little to offer the world and therefore choose to ignore his scarce and rarely expressed opinions. Also his wife has decided that Juan Manuel must not do his secondary studies in a state school. Besides, she has chosen to put his name down for a very costly institution in the Belgrano area. Because of that, Luke has stopped buying his newspaper and his two favorite publications. Pity right? He is doing that just because for the sake of his temper wife.

     As a man, he should show what are the capability to manage his family properly so that his wife is not the one who are controlling everything because as a man, Luke must be a leader for the family. For end my conclusion, I wonder is there any person in this world has the same character like Luke.